Selasa, 22 November 2011

describe something

Nama        : Dinda Ayu Imaningrum
Kelas         : XI-IPS 2
No            : 12

My Classroom

I opened the classroom door slowly. I saw an open window. Under the window, looked a teacher’s desk wearing a white table cloth. Above it there is  a white table cloth over a vase of wood. The vase ilustrated some sun flower petals like a flower in if. Lying next to an open agenda and calendar classes.
Then I entered the classroom with a slow step. My eyes to the right. Three whiteboard looked clean without streaks. To left of the whiteboard. Markers attached to a place of light blue, matching the dark blue painted walls. And right next to the whiteboard mounted a full board madding writings of students work.
I turn my eyes to the back of the class. There is an English proverb which reads blue ‘Practice Make Perfect’ plan to sit under it and attached a list of  study groups. In addiction, I see the left wall class. There is attached ornigram structure and list of team work in the covered by clear plastic.
I turned to the right wall. There, depending on the schedule show in blue. List of subjects were arranged in no particular order, the letters were from magazine clippings. Although looks aren’t neat, but pretty good and interesting. I walked in the front row of empty seats. Needless to count anymore because there must be forty eighty tables and chairs. And without a word I walked into his own bench and sit there.

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